Common Intake

Make it easier for clients to access needed services by providing a single, configurable intake form which can match participants across multiple programs, providers and services. 

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One Application. 
No Wrong Door. 

Eliminate the need for clients to fill out multiple paper and online forms to access services. 

Our common Intake module provides agencies with a configurable, online, web and mobile enabled form that your clients and participants can complete, and will assess them for multiple programs and services. 

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Connect Data across Multiple Agencies.

Leveraging the power of API's and Salesforce 360 Truth, the Launchpad Common Intake can pull in data from multiple data systems, consolidate into a single participant record and automatically match with programs and make referrals. 

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A Single, 360-Degree View of your Participant.

A big challenge for Government and Social Services organizations today is the inability to have a 360 view of their client data. Launchpad's Common Intake Module can consolidate participant data across multiple agencies onto a single view of your participant. 

Search and view participant information across multiple programs on a single record. Maintain and update program activities, employment plans, and services.

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Coordinate Services across Multiple Agencies. 

Improve service outcomes by making referrals and collaborating with participants across programs and agencies.

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Real-time Reports & Analytics

Now that you have all of your participant data in a single location, you can easily run reports and analytics, with a particular focus on the client outcomes. 

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